DH, RW, TO, PC, PCL, Sully, Scrumpy, Bill
Grey skies all around and light rain were waiting for the five of us as we gathered on the Winscombe trading estates just off of the A350 on the north side of Shaftesbury. Heading out to the north east of the estate we found the footpath leading around the side of the corner unit. It was a bit tight and slippery underfoot initially but with the prospect of open fields ahead we waited for the track to open up. Unfortunately it did the exact opposite as the grass grew longer, the ferns grew taller and with the weight of water pressing it all down the path got narrower. On a dry day it would have been OK to brush the vegetation aside but doing so in the wet was not so easy and we were soon all sporting some very 2 tone wet trousers, or for those in shorts, wet legs and water running down into the boots. Only Phil had the sense to be wearing waterproof trousers this week.
Finally after what must have been 500m of crashing through the “jungle” we arrived out onto the edge of a solar field. Sully managed at this point to head off the wrong side of a sheep fence and took some persuading to retrace his steps and join us in the main field. Walking along the edge of the fence enclosing the solar panels we wondered what those monitoring the area on the CCTV cameras made of this mornings bunch of “old men” out in the rain.
Our route took us around the edge of fields whilst we heard the tale of matrimonial breakups and subsequent success on dating sides, and we we headed for the first turning point by the road which would then take us into the woods. Upon reaching the main driveway to Winscombe Park we followed it downhill, around the rear of the main house and past a delightful but unidentified tree in full bloom. Further down the track we entered a more open area with terrific views out onto the Whitesheet Hill chalk ridge line south of the A30 that extends above Ansty and stretches down towards the chalk badges at Fovant and on towards Wilton.
Looping back round we were soon back into the woods and onto muddy tracks as we crossed a small stream, the upper reaches of the River Nadder, which of course Sully went into as would be expected. It was then a slow and steady plod uphill until we reached the main bridleway which would lead us back to Shaftesbury. A nice steady and level walk along the edge of the woods and we approached the outskirts of town and the trading estate. Another narrow track, thankfully dry this time, brought us round the corner of a unit inside which was a lot of loud music playing. Thinking it no more than just a garage with the radio on loud we carried on oblivious, but Scumpy had other ideas! She soon spotted an open doorway and was in. It turns out it wasn’t a garage but a fitness centre with a whole crowd of folks doing some early morning exercise of their own. Scrumpy was soon being ushered out of the building but managed to get closer to the music before a door was firmly shut in her face. Leaving damp paw prints over the floor she made a hasty retreat, probably realising that Zumba was not for her after all.
After almost 2 hours and 3 1/2 miles we were back at the cars and ready to head into Skevy‘s cafe for breakfast, a good bit of planning considering the weather. 3 full chalk boards of menus were quickly scanned and a unanimous decision was made. 5 x Mega breakfasts and 5 teas. Never before has our order been so simple! Being the only ones in at this point we settled ourselves into the corner and before too long large oval plates with 2 of everything (bacon, sausage, egg, toast & fried bread) along with potatoes, mushrooms and standard beans, were being delivered to the table. They were probably the largest breakfasts we have ever had but for 5 hungry wet walkers they were no real challenge and quickly demolished. Even the supply of titbits to the dogs was in short supply this week.
Not quite the weather we would expect for early July but nevertheless a good morning out, time now to head home to empty out the boots and wring out the socks, then time for a well deserved afternoon doze!
